Launchpool Rewards now Applies to BNB Locked Products

To enhance user experience, is extending Launchpool rewards to users with BNB Locked Products positions. 


  1. Users will now receive double rewards, i.e., daily APR rewards and Launchpool rewards from their BNB Locked Products positions. Thereafter, users can receive Launchpool rewards directly without having to redeem BNB Locked Products and staking BNB into Launchpool. 

  2. Users with BNB Flexible Products deposits in BNB Vault will continue to be eligible for Launchpool rewards. Rules on BNB Vault remain unchanged. 

Launchpool rewards for BNB Vault and BNB Locked Products positions are claimable every hour from the Launchpool BNB pool page. Unclaimed Launchpool rewards will be automatically distributed to users’ at the end of each Launchpool session.

Please note:

  • This product update is applicable to Launchpool only. Launchpad rules remain unchanged.

  • Launchpool rewards for BNB Vault will no longer be distributed daily to user’s spot wallets. The rewards will be claimable every hour from the Launchpool BNB pool page. Unclaimed Launchpool rewards will be automatically distributed to users’ spot wallets at the end of each Launchpool session. 

  • The Launchpool rewards will be calculated based on users’ hourly Launchpool staking amount, BNB Vault deposits and BNB Locked Products positions. Snapshots of user balances and total pool balances will be taken at any point of time each hour to get users’ hourly average balances and calculate user rewards.  

  • In the case where there are multiple Launchpool projects running concurrently, users’ BNB Vault deposits and BNB Locked Products positions will be equally allocated to each Launchpool project the user is eligible for.

  • Where any discrepancy arises between the translated versions and the original English version, the English version shall prevail.